"Seeing the Lines” Drawing Series, 2023-Present
Ink on Paper
4.5” x 6.5” or 6.5” x 4.5”
These ink drawings capture moments, people, and objects in time. Without using a pencil, these drawings are created with marks of the pen like a musical performance, each stroke informing the next stroke until the form becomes clear. A mantra in my work and life whenever I am feeling anxious or afraid is to “see the lines”. This experience is grounding, and helps me see at once the distinct and indivisible nature of all things.
$15 for fine art print
$80 for drawing commissions
Twin Trust Fall, 2024
Ink on Paper
8” x 8”
Limited print
Geometric Portraits Series, 2009-2015
Ink on Paper
6” x 6”
This series of geometric portraits draw inspiration from the Buddhist tradition of mandalas as a way to meditate and contemplate on core qualities of the people being drawn. These portraits seek to encounter both the ephemeral and essential of a person in a particular moment in time.