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Anti-Inflammatory Ritual, 2020

Performed by Connor Walden

Performed in Seattle, WA on October 3, 2020 outside of Das Schaufenster

Documentation by Laura Knetzger


Which Finger Hurts Most?, 2019

Performed by Connor Walden

Performed in Seattle, WA on April 22

In this performance, the artist asks a participant which finger hurts most. After wrapping the selected finger in yarn, the artist begins to knit a sock for that finger while asking the participant about memories hidden in that finger.


Yes, 2019

In collaboration with Niki Korth from the Big Conversation Game

Performed in San Fransisco, CA on March 29


The Apotheosis of Matt, 2018

Performed by Connor Walden

Performed in Seattle, WA on September 28th

Matt is the Christian you wish you could be. He goes to church every Sunday, he is humble, he reads the bible everyday, he asks for forgiveness and extends forgiveness, he prays for you, he is honest, and he is a serious man. He fits the mold no matter the cultural context, whether it’s an African nation state, an Indian village, or a Hipster-Techie Seattle. His calling in life is to provide people around the world with access to clean Water. He invites you to contribute to the cause by placing money in the donation box and taking a souvenir.


The Story of Lift Off, 2018

Written and performed by Connor Walden

Costume in collaboration with Lindsey Halfhill

Lift Off, (2018)

Cedar, salt water, graphite, plaster, olive oil and concrete stepping stones

Installed at the UW Center for Urban Horticulture


Matt Tabling for Indian Charity, 2017

Performed by Connor Walden

Performed in Austin, Texas on April 13th


Matt Raises Money for Water Charity in Class, 2018

Performed by Connor Walden

Performed in Seattle, WA on May 24

Performed in front of an introductory art history course. The pupils participated in a game of “Quarters” where they tried to see how much money they could make into the red solo cups to be donated to charity. The red solo cups are inscribed with #beerintowater.


Matt Raises Money for African Charity, 2017

Performed by Connor Walden

Performed in Austin, Texas on March 7th

"Here in Austin for my last stop during my Day of Giving. Spent time with Fleet performance collective today, and they are so good! We played my Charity Water game where each person is given a cup of coins, and whatever coins they toss in the bowl of water will be donated to a generic charity in Africa. For this game, WE RAISED $82.62 for children in Africa to have clean water!!!!! Great job y'all! #blessed #charitywater #wateremoji

Stay tuned for more events coming yah' way. Games for God! woo!"


Matt Commuting, 2017

Performed by Connor Walden

Performed in Austin, Texas on April 17th

A day in the life of Matt, a persona by Connor Walden. While commuting, Matt sings along to a favorite tune to get him pumped for the work ahead.